Thursday, March 8, 2007


I am not even sure where to start. It has been a while since I blogged last. So much has happened. The worst thing is that my Grandfather died. My Mom keeps saying that "it is a sad thing not a bad thing." I think that hits the nail on the head. He was not doing well and he would not have wanted to live the way that he was living or would be living if he'd recovered. It was a sad day, but my Mom and her sisters were there when he died. My youngest and I were there as well, but after he passed I took the baby out of the room so they could be alone with him. It seemed like there was a moment to be had.
My Grandmother has alzheimer's. It was really good to see how good she looks. My grandfather did not look like himself at all. So it was so good to see my Grandmother look like herself.
I left the two older kids with my husband, so I had a break from all of the madness of being at home. I was so grateful to be back at home with the kids. I missed them so much. My husband went straight into the field, so things got hairy quickly. Bedtime is very tricky. It is difficult to get everyone in there pajamas and tucked into bed while putting the baby to sleep or trying to nurse. At bedtime I miss having my husband's help. I cannot wait until he has a different job. His current job in the Army is very time consuming. However I am extremely grateful that he is home and not deployed. He has been to Iraq twice and I am sure that he will go back again soon. For now I am thrilled to have him home.
I realize this is a jumble of thoughts, but I haven't had much time to sit down and blog, so I have a ton of things bouncing around in my head. I am hoping to carve out some more time this week.

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