Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And Another Thing....

I am tired of breastfeeding. I have had six months in the last four and a half years that I haven't been pregnant or breastfeeding. I love my babies, but I want my body back. I can't get C. to take a bottle. Any suggestions would be very very welcome. Anyways, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Apparently this is catharsis Wednesday.


I have been reading the blogs of several ladies that were in Vilseck when we were there. I must say that I am frustrated with myself because they all seem really great. I know I blogged something similar earlier, but I just got done reading a woman's blog that I knew, but never met. She and I have a lot in common. She seems really nice. I think I was too caught up in having my first baby and being stressed out by deployments. I don't know. I do not like regrets, but I regret that I didn't try to get involved in more things. I am going to rectify this at our new duty station. I am really going to try to get out there and meet some people. I think I am too self conscious. I am really shy. I have been working on being more outgoing. I think I am doing better, but it is tough.

My Big Secret

Well, here goes. I have a secret, well it is a secret from some not from all. I gained a gazillion pounds when I was pregnant. I lost all the weight I gained from H. before I got pregnant with S., but I'd just lost it, so I gained weight like crazy. I like to blame the deployment and frequent pregnancies. Any ways, for those of you who saw me in Germany I do not look too different. I will say though that I had not lost any weight from S. when I got pregnant with C. S. was only 8 months and I was still breastfeeding. So my big secret is that I have a ton of weight to lose. I am seriously bummed out about it. I was reading the blog of another Army wife who was stationed in Germany and she lost a butt load of weight doing weight watchers. So there, I am inspired. I started today. I will keep you posted. I have been avoiding people that know me because I am so embarrassed by the weight that I have gained. So I decided to out myself so that I can throw off the "secret."

Monday, April 2, 2007

If a Tree Falls.......

So, I am sure you have heard the philosophical question about a tree falling in the forest. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make a sound? Or at least something like that. Well, I have discovered and answered my own philosophical question. It goes something like this: If a toilet overflows and there is no one around, does it still make a mess? Well grasshopper the overflow will make a huge mess.
Oh yes sports fans, some how at some point in the day yesterday someone flushed the toilet and it spilled water all over the bathroom floor. I have no idea what went down the toilet, but I will say that the toilet seriously objected to whatever it was. I walked into the bathroom, barefoot of course, and found that both bathroom rugs were sopping wet. I also now know the answer to: what does sopping mean? There is definitely a difference when you know the toilet is about to overflow and you scramble around the back of the toilet and either turn the water off just in time or in enough time that there isn't too much water. It is not a fun experience to discover that the toilet overflowed at some point, seriously, ewwww.

Duct Tape

I am going to put duct tape on the tapes of S's diaper. He keeps pulling it off and running around naked. If you have been reading my blog, you know the poop issues we have with himself. I think I will ask my husband to bring home some hundred mile and hour tape!!!!


Crazy Book Lady

When I lived in Texas I went to an estate sale of a woman who had more books than the library on post in Germany. I believe that she kept every single book she read. On one hand it was fascinating to see all of her different interests. On the other hand, I started to get a weird feeling. I felt like I was looking at my own estate sale 50 years in the future. Since then I have been trying to limit the number of books that I buy and certainly limit the number that I keep. Currently I have three full size books shelves and several plastic containers full of books. Thank goodness my husband is in the Army, because moving is probably the only thing keeping me from becoming a crazy book lady who has books instead of cats.
So this morning in between trying to keep S. in his diaper and jiggling C. I have been sorting books and magazines. As if I even have time to finish a book, I can't even finish a magazine these days. I have last month's O magazine that I haven't even read half of.
I am also sizing up everything we own trying to guestimate how heavy it is. It is driving me crazy. I am sure I will throw away or donate something that I will later wish that I had. We probably will not even be overweight, but I am not taking any chances. Honestly though I cannot part with my decorating magazines or my Martha Stewart Living Mags. We will have a house someday. Plus I need to know exactly how to grow begonias and launder antique linens, I mean you just never know.