Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Collapse of the Zen

I don't know what happened, I was living in the Zen zone, I was feeling like a zen master. I was talking to a friend on the phone yesterday saying how great I was doing, handling three young kids like a pro. Feeling like a zen mama. Then today, I felt like I was barely hanging on to the ledge. I am sure that part of this is that our new mattress is causing my back to ache all through the night. So what little sleep I am getting is now reduced even more because my back keeps waking me up. ARGH! I called the store where we bought the dang thing. They were not much help. "Ma'am we don't have a warranty for comfort" Now go back and read that with a thick Texas accent. "I'm sorry you don't like your mattress but people give off bodily fluids, your mattress is now used, our hands are tied." More Texas accent. Never mind that I bought the $80 waterproof mattress pad that he recommended. Searching for Zen place. I am certain there is a life lesson here, but not sure what it is. Perhaps someone should sell mattress insurance. I would certainly buy some.

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