Monday, April 7, 2008

Another New House

We have moved yet again!! This time, we moved ourselves onto post. Wow, I thought pcsing was challenging, but moving on your own is a whole new category. My poor husband had some guys from work help him, but he was on the other end of everything that came into or out of the house. He worked so hard. Fortunately I was just exhausted, I thought at the time that I was just so miserable. That was until last week when the constant nausea showed up!! I had no idea that I would desperately want to go back to just feeling tired.

We love our new house, which makes the hassle of the Uhaul and the 40 plastic bins that we bought from Target worth it. The first morning we were in the new house the boys ran outside and played and played in the backyard. We'd gone almost a year without a yard and now we have a fenced in backyard which is so fantastic. Also for the first time since 2003 we have our own walls, no sharing, no duplex, no townhouse, just us!!!