Monday, February 12, 2007

Something Sad

I have recently started reading Learning to Live, it is a blog by a military widow. She lost her husband in Iraq and she is blogging her life experiences so that her son will know how she coped. It is amazing. It is brutally honest and extremely personal. I can only imagine what she has gone through. My husband has been to Iraq twice and I am pretty sure we are in for several more deployments. Reading her blog is like reading the endings of my worst nightmares while my husband was deployed. Every time the doorbell rang or there was a knock on the door I felt panicked. Every time we talked on the phone and the phone line went dead I had to have faith that the lines were down and that it wasn't that the building had been mortared. She lived the knock on the door. I highly recommend that people read it. Whether you are for or against the War in Iraq you will get a very personal insight into what the tolls of war are.

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