Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh My Gosh, They're Alive

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there. If you have kids you understand how difficult it is to go out to dinner. Especially with little children. So this year instead of doing a special Valentine's dinner out over the weekend. My husband and I decided to order a lobster dinner online which included two lobsters and came to the house in a large cooler. You would think that because the website has live in the site address, I would have clued in ahead of time that the lobsters were alive. Needless to say it came as a surprise that there were two live lobsters in the box sitting in my kitchen. I am amazed that they could survive so long out of the water there was a saltwater soaked pad on top of them. I would not have ordered live lobster. The thought of boiling them alive is upsetting. I thought about trying to free them, but we live about 10 hours from the ocean. I also thought about adding salt to the bathtub and letting them hang out there. I wasn't sure how much salt to add and honestly I think our 19 month old might try and take a bite out of one. That would have been an interesting trip to the emergency room. I watched my husband drop the little fellas into the water and fortunately there was no screaming and even though the pamphlet warned of it, there was no tail splashing. I mean can you imagine watching the tales of the lobsters splashing in the water, yikes. I guess I got over the moral objections, because I can report that the lobster was very tasty. However, I will never do that again. I don't care what anyone says about lobsters feeling or not feeling pain, I just cannot stand the guilt. I also must admit I feel sorry for the lobsters at the grocery store. Sometimes I think strongly about becoming a vegetarian.

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