Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wee Boy Urinal

A knock on the door the other day signaled the arrival of (trumpet fanfare) the Peter Potty Urinal. My cousin has this mite sized urinal for her two boys, and S has been really interested in using the potty. S is still a little too small to stand and pee into the big potty, so I thought perhaps a wee sized urinal would do the trick. Well, we have had it two days and I have had to clean up elephant sized pee spills. See, the urinal has a water tank on top so that your tykes can flush their very own urinal. The pee and the water goes into a little tray with handle at the bottom. The first time was my own fault, I refilled the water tank without emptying the tray. H and S flushed the urinal about twenty times when water and pee started gushing out of the tray, Peeagra Falls, eww gross. The second time today, S went into the bathroom and was trying to empty the tray into the potty. While I applaud his attempt at helping, he didn't get much of the pee water into the potty. In the midst of all of this I discovered that the floor in the bathroom is not level, all of the pee water slowly flowed from one end of the bathroom to the other.
Everyone is fascinated by having a urinal, I fully expect to sneak up and catch my husband peeing into it. I wonder if they make itty bitty urinal cakes? Interestingly enough, another name for urinal cake is toilet lolly. How delightful.

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