Monday, August 20, 2007

Blogger's Block

I have three or four saved drafts, but nothing sounds witty or interesting. I am here, I just can't think of anything intelligent to say. The kids have been sick. I am tired. I still have a zillion boxes to unpack which my next door neighbor commented on today. She leaned into the garage and was asking me what everything was. She also wanted to know what was up with the car seat that had been sitting in front of our garage for a week. S puked on it and I haven't motivated to finish cleaning it and getting the cover back on that I washed. Geez. Well, I moved it to the garage. See, this is the material that I have, not much. I had a job offer, but I decided not to take it. I want to be at home with the kids, but it was tough to say no to something that would give me adult interaction. We watched Yo Gabba Gabba today, but I am afraid it is some kind of mind altering program. It has a weird 70s vibe to it. Why does DJ Lance have five little alien looking dudes in his boom box case????

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