Friday, May 25, 2007

Fed Up

I realize it has been a while since I have posted. Sometimes I feel inspired and other times, I have nothing. Housing is telling us it will probably be the 14th of June before we get the keys to our new quarters. I cannot express how frustrating this is. Last night I was giving C. a bath and started thinking about how desperately I want to have a nursery for him. He will be seven months in a week or so. He is not sleeping more than two or three hours at a time at night. I am sure that if we weren't sharing a room he would sleep better, but there is no more space in my parent's house. We are about as spread out as we can be. Our stuff is everywhere. H. keeps asking about his stuff and his bed. He also keeps asking when we can go to our new state. I am running out of things to say and also running out of enthusiasm. We are heading to the beach this weekend which should help. I cannot wait to walk on the beach and listen to the waves at night. I think I need to tell the husband that we need to be stationed near the ocean.
Everyone is getting over a cold. We went to a kid's museum and a place called Monkey Joe's. I think we got the cold from being around all those other kids. Monkey Joe's is awesome, it has all kinds of jumping castles. The also have giant blow up slides. The boys love it. The first two times we went R. helped the kids and did some jumping and sliding. This last time I got in and went sliding. It was great. There is nothing as great as feeling like a kid again.

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