Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lemonade Will Make You Fat

The weather has been a little cooler here, so I took the boys to this giant playground the other day. We went earlier in the week and had it to ourselves, so I was a little surprised to see cars in the parking lot on Tuesday. At first glance it looked like four moms and their kids. After we were there for a while I figured out that there was only one mom and three nannies. We are so not in Lawton, Oklahoma any more!

I brought juice boxes and apples for the kids to snack on and Charley was carrying his lemonade around. One little boy was following him around talking to him, suddenly he spied the juice box and told Charley "Lemonade will make you fat." Fortunately Charley could care less. How sad is it that a four year old boy probably doesn't drink lemonade ever? My kids get lemonade every now and then, only in their lunches for camp or school. I remember drinking lemonade, it certainly didn't make me fat.


Vonn** said...

That is so sad. Nevermind that the person who told him that conveniently forgot to mention that lack of exercise or activity makes you fat...Not what you eat!
A truly active child will NOT be fat, they may get chubby, but their incredible metabolisms and love for play will burn it all off.

liberal army wife said...

oh that is just sad. I mean SAD! that poor kid - not being allowed to BE a kid. Yes, I would agree that he should be encouraged to NOT drink soda - but juice?