Thursday, March 13, 2008

Baby Number 4

I figured because I hadn't been blogging regularly no one was reading the blog, so no one would notice my baby ticker. I suppose I was wrong. The new news is that we are expecting baby number four or Delta as we affectionately call him/her November 19th!! We are excited, a little nervous about the prospect of four kids, but thrilled none the less. I am exhausted and very weepy, I was crying this morning watching some kids play soccer because they were working as a team.

I will keep you posted as to how things go!!

Chef Boyardee

When we lived in Germany there was this German restaurant right around the corner from our house. They had live lobster, which turned out to be two lobsters swimming in a galvanized tin tub by the front door. For lunch I opened a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli, which reminded me of the last time we got take out from that funny little restaurant. I ordered the ravioli and sure enough, it was Chef Boyardee. The first time we went, the schnitzel was dynamite, unfortunately each time we went after the first, the food was progressively worse, ending with the Chef Boyardee.

I miss Germany!! I hope some day we can be stationed there again, good thing there are awesome restaurants that serve real ravioli!!